Entering Scoring Penalty


Entering a Scoring Penalty. A finish or Penalty can be entered into the racers record by clicking on any finish cell when the Fleet file is open. (If you hover over a finish cell the 'Race number' will pop up). Or... you can also use the Enter Finish by Place Dialog box.

Enter directly into a racer's finish cell

Find the racer's record, click on the appropriate finish cell, then enter S3 for a racer who finished 3rd, but also has a scoring penalty (see Entering Penalties). Since a scoring penalty does not change other racer's finishes, there will also be a '1', '2' finish entered, the S3, and there will also be a '4', and so on. The points for the scoring penalty will be calculated by Racelog and show up in the Total points for the racer. The score report (below) will still show 'S3', but the racer will have more than 3 points for this race.

Score Penalty Result

Enter Scoring Penalty by Place

The Scoring Penalty is automatically handled by the Enter Finish by Place dialog.

The scorer will be prompted for each Race, and within that race for each Finish. The Finish count will increment when hitting Enter or clicking Apply button. For penalties such as DNF, DSQ, RDG, etc the Finish number will not increment when applying these finishes, so the finish number entered for the next racer will be the proper finish. In the first screen shot below, the Scoring Penalty (SCP and ZFP) finish number is applied to the current entry when the scorer clicks Apply (or Enter). And upon Apply, the finish number will increment.

The second screenshot below shows the status of the Dialog for the next racer who will get his proper '4' entered finish, and the sequence would look like '1' '2' 'S3' '4' etc. Racelog will properly apply the current 'finish' number to the SCP penalty and will be displayed as 'S3' for a 3rd finisher with the penalty.

Enter Scoring Penalty by Place

Enter Next Finish