A First receives the lowest score, 1 pt.. A Second receives a 2, and so on. A racer’s standing is based on the average of his finishes counted. This method does not reward participation so use of the ”% of Races to Qualify” option is necessary to score an extended series to prevent a one or two time winner from walking away with a series. DNC's are not calculated in the score, just the races which are started. A race which is not attended is considered not scored
Options for Low Point Average Method
Throwouts: This setting establishes the percent of races to throw out. The result window will show how many points each racer has earned for his/her best races not thrown out. Scores are thrown starting from the worst scores per racer not including DNC's. Using a percentage implies that each racer may receive a different number of throwouts depending on how many of their races are started. A setting of 20 indicates 20% of a racer's Started races will not be counted.. If 20% represents a fractional number then the number of throwouts is rounded down. For a 20% setting, a racer who only raced in 5 races will have one race thrown. Another racer who raced in 10 races will have 2 races thrown.
DNC's are not considered as part of the score in this method, so there is no need to Throw them out.
The scoring options are the same a for Low Point Method
% of Races to Qualify: This Setting is most important for Low Pt Average. This specifies the percentage of all races in which a racer must participate in order to qualify for the series. This is generally set to 0 to allow all racers to be included in day to day or weekly scoring for a long series, however this may provide inaccurate standings for the Low-Pt Averaged method. This setting is extremely important for this method since only the races started are included in the scoring calculation. If a racer has one 1st and then all DNC's he would be in first place (or tied for first) unless this setting sets a minimum participation requirement.