Add or Update Fleet data, Score Fleet. Accessed from the 'File | Fleets' menu selection. This will open an empty Fleets page. Click the 'Open Fleet' button for a list of your fleets to work on. Race Log Web will keep track of your recenly opened Fleets and list them on the File menu drop down. This provides a shortcut to opening a fleet.
Open Fleet Dialog box
Click the 'Open Fleet' button to open a list of your fleets. This list can be sorted by clicking the column headings. Also this is where you can 'Delete' an un-needed fleet file.
Enter Finish by Place
Click the Enter Finishes button when your fleet is open. This will open the 'Enter Finish by Place' dialog box. It will automatically figure out which is the next race to add finishes to, and set the 'finish' to 1st. Now enter enough information in the Name and/or Sail Number fields to uniquely identify the sailor and click Apply. The 'finish' box will advance to 2nd.
You can set the Race number and Finish place to update a specific race. You can add or update any fiinish using this dialog. The Error and Alert messages should guide you through the process.