Bonus Point Method


A First receives 0, Second - 3, Third - 5.7, Fourth - 8, Fifth - 10, Sixth - 11.7, Seventh and thereafter - Place + 6 as specified in previous US Sailing "The Racing Rules of Sailing" editions 2005-2008, and before. (It was named the "Olympic System" in the 1989-1992 edition and before.)  A racer’s standing is based on the sum of his counted finish scores, higher finishes being penalized as the above scores indicate.  This type of method is called a “spread” method since there is a bigger spread between 1st and 2nd for example, than between 10th and 11th.  The reasoning is that it is harder to move from 2nd to 1st than from 11th to 10th.

This score method is considered a Low Point type of method, however it provides the Spread mentioned above.

Options for Bonus Point Method

Throwouts:  This setting establishes the percent of races to throw out.  The result window will show how many points each racer has earned for his/her best races not thrown out.  DNC's will be the first races to be thrown out. This is the same as the Low Point method.

 First Place Bonus Points:  This setting is defaulted to -1 so that when added to the finish, the winner earns 0 points but you may override this. All of these Bonus Point settings are added to the racer's finish to arrive at the points listed above, and they can be customized to create your own scoring method.. 

Second Place Bonus Points:  This setting is defaulted to 2 so that second place earns 4 points but you may override this. 

Third Place Bonus Points:  This setting is defaulted to 2.7 so that thrd place earns 5.7 points but you may override this. 

Fourth Place Bonus Points:  This setting is defaulted to 4 so that fourth place earns 8 points but you may override this. 

Fifth Place Bonus Points:  This setting is defaulted to 5 so that fifth place earns 10 points but you may override this. 

Sixth Place Bonus Points:  This setting is defaulted to 5.7 so that sixth place earns 11.7 points but you may override this. 

Other Place Bonus Points:  This setting is defaulted to 6 and is added to the finish places but you may override this. 

DNC = Entrants, or Starters + Other Place Bonus:  The Did Not Compete penalty equals the number of Entrants plus the Other Place Bonus plus the penalty number entered here.  This is typically 1 or 2 for the Bonus Point Method.

DNF = Starters, or Entrants + Other Place Bonus:   Penalty for those receiving a Did Not Finish equals the number of Entrants (or Starters) plus the Other Place Bonus plus the penalty number entered here.  This is typically 1 for Bonus Method. 

DNS, RET = Starters, or Entrants + Other Place Bonus:   Penalty for those receiving a Did Not Finish or Retired equals the number of Entrants (or Starters) plus the Other Place Bonus plus the penalty number entered here.  This is typically 1 for Bonus Method.

= Starters or Entrants + Other Place Bonus:   Penalty for those receiving a Penalty equals the number of Entrants (or Starters) plus the Other Place Bonus plus the penalty number entered here.  This is typically 1 for Bonus Method. 

% of Races to Qualify:  This specifies the percentage of all races in which a racer must participate in order to qualify for the series.  This is generally set to 0 to allow all racers to be included in day to day or weekly scoring for a long series   This option is useful for the Bonus Point method for seasonal scoring to ensure that a minimum participation is achieved.